Friday 30 April 2010

Just Like Starting Over.....My First Day With My Camera!

Well we all have to start somewhere, and, having fretted for weeks, and saved up hard (for months!), I spent an uncertain Friday night pondering the Jessops web page, Cannon or Nikon?, what type of Lens?, how do I cope with all this fancy Photographic jargon?, am I worthy and so on.... Anyway, thought I'd have a bottle of beer (it was Friday after all), and having viewed both Cannon and Nikon, could not for the living life of me decide between the two main Photo giants, so tossed a coin (Cannon EOS1000D was the result), phew, that bit over, need another beer...and poured myself another (it's Friday night for heavens sake!). Anyway, still not splurged on anything yet, best to start filling in my details, this went on for some time, they needed an awful lot of details, the main ones being my credit card details :=(, get another beer I think (its kind of getting late now).

Anyway, finally, and with a bit of trepidation on my very own part, but hey, bit of bravado induced by 3 bottles of Old Rasping Barking Mad Dog Ale (or something like that), pressed the go button, and....your camera will be ready for collection tomorrow morning Sir, and on the the wide world of Digital Photography.

The above photo of John Lennon, on Matthew Street, in Liverpool is one of the first shots, and though not a massive fan of Black and White photography, I think he looks cooler this way (to be honest, I think he looks cool from any angle), and just couldn't resist, particularly being a huge fan of The Beatles. I know that the tourist trail in Liverpool can be a bit over the top, Magical Mystery Tour, and Yellow Duckmarine and all, but feel this statue, and dedicated bricks on the wall is kind of cool and fitting,and Matthew Street is where it all began. So for my very first post, and on my first little adventure with new camera, John Lennon it is, and hope you like him, he looks great, just kind of hanging out there :-)

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